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Monday, February 6, 2012

HUNGER GAMES equals... ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤x 1,000,000,000!!!!!!! :)

The Hunger Games picture time!!!!!!! XD [Hunger Games book series by Suzanne Collins]


If you love the Hunger Games and can NOT wait until the movie comes out (MARCH 23rd!!!!!! *squeal*) then here is the post for YOU! ;]


OH YEAH! XD Lovvvvveeee it.!!! So. Excited!!! You don't even KNOW!!! XD Unless you're crazy about (@ least the 1st book like I am) the Hunger Games like moi! :]

Now that's how you shoot an arrow. :D lol

Movie poster! Go arrows and Katniss! :D

An AMAZING movie poster! So awesome! Although Gale should also be on it. :P :D


G-G-GALE!!!! <3

Awwww! Katniss is awesome. So is Gale. ;)

Gale? or Peeta?? Well DUH, Gale!! All the way! XD ;D

Gale and Peeta

YESSSSS! XD This is Hana-nana-na and I (Rachel Rae!) :]

Luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuv yaaaaa!

Rachel Rae!

The whole happy group :]

GALE! Liam Hemsworth!!!

GALE! <3 :D

Katniss, Peeta and GALE! :) lol

AWESOME cupcakes!!!! SO cool!

Now...this is amazing...a little late, since holidays already past, but still made my day! Awesome! :D I want that ornament! :P :)

Hunger Games NAIL POLISH stuff! A must! XD


Go converse! :D

Must get this! :O :D
Now TTYL! :D :)


  1. i am totally obsessed with the hunger games other than I am for Peeta not Gale although I like Gale Peeta is to much like Katniss and they wouldn't be good together like Peeta and Katniss. I love the nails can't wait to get the nail polish!

    1. When I finished the series last year I'm Team Finnick now. haha :P I love Peeta though. And Gale isn't bad. Oh! The troubles of loving Hunger games :) haha

  2. I know right! :D I love nail polish right now. Haha. And after seeing the movie i am totally team Peeta! <3 but if you've read the 2nd and 3rd books, then you know Finnick..I LOVE Finnick!!!! <3 he's aweesome. :) lol


Yo yo yo! :D

Please nothing rude (insulting), folks. [haha, I said folks.] o.o
